Diocese of Adilabad Human Promotion Society

                         Director: Fr. Daniel Nichakola


        Formation of a just and reliant society founded on peace, equality, love, fraternity and freedom.


        Empowerment of people in  the society with special  emphasis on poor and marginalized  by  networking  with  government and likeminded organizations


                                                               Integrated Development through Empowerment and Action (IDEA)

Activities are related to Health, Education, Livelihood, Social, Empowerment of Women and children, Human Rights, Youth animation, Village Leaders Training, Empowerment of Differently abled, HIV/AIDS (AASA) awareness Program, Drinking water program, Balachetana (Eradication of Child Labor), Promotion of Organic Farming, Karunya Nidhi, Child Help line - 1098, Sneha Hastam (Cancer awareness) and Ujwala (Awarness to Government Scheme)